Floors Colors? The main factor in the success of the decoration is the consistency of the colors of the floors with the colors of the furniture Here in this post, we will give you some tips that will help you...
Floor Types There is no doubt that choosing the right floor is an essential and important element in designing your space, and in light of the many types of different floors, we will help here in this post to choose...
Types of Carpets According To Use One of the factors that help you in choosing the right carpeting is the place to use it, as the uses vary between light and very heavy, as shown below: – Light use It...
How do I choose a suitable floor? To choose the right floor for your space, there are a set of questions that will help you with that. First: Is the place very crowded? Second: Is the place to choose a...
Why Do We Choose Parquet? Parquet has great features that provide you with practical solutions for an easy, safe and practical life 1. Safe when falling or slipping 2. Comfortable to move and shock absorbent 3. Easy to clean and...
What Do You Know About Carpet Tiles? A Carpet Tile is: An elegant and practical product, usually used in places of a commercial nature such as malls, companies and offices. It is also known as a product with many aspects...
Carpets or regular Rugs? Advanced services combined with a large collection of new options. Wholesale If you are confused between using rugs or regular carpets? There are several factors that help you make the right choice between them: 1. The...